September 29, 2010

Cause I knew I was right, But I learned I was wrong

I'll explain my last moth in these words:  Stress, missing, children, school, sport, work, homework, babysitting, lost my camera, friends and WHERE THE HELL IS MY CAMERA?
I could have posted about..wel....nothing. But my mind wasn't there the whole time I was awake. When I slept, I dreamed, when I was awake, I dreamed. I had no rest. But now I'm forcing myself to have some time.
I'm afraid this post is a short one 'cause I have to do a lot!
I promiss I come back soon!

This is Noah, my little brother! He's so sweet. He made himself a bed in a box and he put on too big boots when I was cleaning my room. <3



  1. Wauw, echt vaag gewoon hoe snel te kleine kinderen ziet opgroeien. De vorige keer dat ik noah zag was hij nog zoveel kleiner. Echt heel snel gaat dat
    Hij heeft trouwens echt dezelfde grote bruine ogen als jij, vind ik.



Don't be shy! ♥