July 16, 2010

Icecream in the summer!!

Woooh! School is officially over for this year! Also the plus programma I took with my VWO is over after three years of hard work haha. It's nice to have this certificate ánd red rose! Good for my resume hahaha.

It was nice weather so I also ate icecream with my friend Melissa. It's amazing that we have Italien icecream in this super little town! We don't even have an Etos!
I ate yogurt, blueberries and cookies!

Now I'm going to have a haircut and then tomorrow I have to work.

Have a nice weekend <3

Hat - Accessorize
Top - H&M
High waisted short - H&M
Leather belt - H&M
Satchel bag - Topshop
Sandals - Van Haaren
Necklace - WAAR


  1. Gefeliciteerd met het certificaat! :D Goed dat je ook nog een plus programma hebt gevolgd zeg!
    En hele leuke outfit & foto's, dat shortje is echt niiiice.

  2. Gefeliciteerd & like the third picture!


Don't be shy! ♥