July 22, 2010

Solarstone and Jochem Miller!

Yesterday evening was absolutly the best night of the week!
I was VIP by the Matrixx @ The Park because of my connections (ghehehe). The music was amazing. I love trance <3
Solarstone did it quietly so that everyone could get in the mood for this evening. Then at 11pm Jochem Miller came and everyone went wild for his music! Amazing night <3

After the music had ended we went to the waal quay for a drink. Ice Tea for life! There was playing a band. I truly have no idea what band it was hahaha.
We also went to the Waal-beach for a while, and then, I had to go home :(

Here some pics, tonight I'll go as well; last night..
I want to party party partyyyyyyy!

1 comment:

Don't be shy! ♥